Questions for the Mind and Heart

If you’re at a point in your life where you need a little bit of change or a shift, start by asking yourself some tough questions. Honestly, they don’t even have to be tough questions, maybe they’re just questions that will tug at your heart strings or cause self reflection.

To get the wheels turning for you, I asked DJ (resident podcast guest) to submit questions that he thought would be thought provoking or helpful to one’s life/future. I’m posting the questions as is so I didn’t rearrange the order or wording. Answer them to yourself, in a journal entry or however you see fit. I hope that the growth or change you seek, is on the other side of the questions.

1. How long are you going to keep your gifts dormant?

2. Who am I?

3. Am I an architect or a demolition expert?

4. When people leave my presence, how do they feel?

5. What’s causing me to procrastinate?

6. What’s my relationship like with money?

7. What’s your legacy going to look like?

Happy March and happy growing!


Angie and DJ